
Showing posts from January, 2018

Dancing in the park...

A little over a week ago, I picked my children up after a long day at work, and spontaneously drove them to a park near my undergrad Alma Mater, Long Beach State University. I sat in the car as they talked, laughed, and played. Unbeknownst to them, I captured a moment when my oldest daughter  (the film producer/director of the bunch), set up her iPhone (see rock), taught her brother  and sister a little  choreographed routine, and instructed them when and where to "come into the shot". It was short-lived though due to someone not doing somet hing exactly right (Kimmy is somewhat of a perfectionist), so they all stormed back to the car, got in, and we headed home...the three of them riding in utter silence the entire trip. But, despite the way it ended, I love when I'm able to capture moments like this with my camera....they'll look back on this and smile one day with their own kids, as they reminisce about the day they danced in the park.

Ready or I come!

2017 has been one of the most difficult years of my life. My mom-in-love and one of my dearest sister-friends were called home to be with the Lord, along with several other loved ones who I and/or my husband knew well. But, even in the midst of unspeakable pain, I could feel God's powerful love sustaining us. 2017, has also been a year of realizing my passion, and allowing God to connect me with individuals who can help bring my ideas to fruition. I've learned to pray more,  trust more, give more, dream more, forgive more, listen more, and love more. I'm looking forward to dreams being realized, visions coming to pass, debts being paid in full, relationships being restored, and my faith walk going to the next level in 2018. Ready or not, here I come....